
Myrth's history can be divided into different eras and ages throughout, with Each Era representing a new stage of historic evolution and each age representing a time period within that era.

The first universal calendar that was adopted was developed by Kobold scribes and are anchored to the founding of Agamoria, the first Empire to become a global power, though their calendar was in use long before that year.

Before the modern calendar, timekeeping were mostly based around major events and depending on the Era, accounted for different spans of time and as such were given unique identifiers by the Kobold scribes.


Neliavthic Cycles, (AER): Scholars or the Mythic Ancients account for time based on different ages of the pre-historic Neliavth account. These cycles are said to roughly measure between 300 and 700 actual years each.

Pre-Era Reckoning, (PER): A varied and obscure form of calendar was developed in the mythic ages, though not widely adopted and where used the accounts and rules for it differed extensively. Each Pre-Era count (PER), measures between 1 and 2.5 actual years and came to replace the previous cyclical system as a varied standard in ancient times.

Neliavthic Conflict Accounting, (DW): Historic accounts reveal cataclysmic wars taking place during the end of the mythic Eras, and as such accurate record keeping become less prominent. Though Pre-Era reckoning was still in use, it is hard to precisely calculate the passage of years during this age. Therefore, the Kobold scribes instead refer to the most well known and historically accepted conflicts to account for the passage of time.

Nomadic Reckoning, (NOR): Throughout the early histories of the now established races of Myrth, the Kobold Standard Calendar became more and more widely used across the realms. Because of the systematic adoption, the counting of years became an inverse count at the adoption of Imperial Time at 0 IM.

Imperial Year Reckoning, (IM): Imperial Time begins the year when Agamoria was founded and counts each year to follow. Using the same standard count, before 0 IM is referenced as inverse counts using the Nomadic Reckoning association.

Interactive Timeline

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Mythic Eras
AER 1-2: Pre-Creation Era
AER 3-6: Creation Era
AER 7-15: Primal Era
AER 16-19: Neliavthic Era
DW 1-6: Ameth-Draco War Era
Ancient Era
~13 000 NOR: The Era of Vanishing
~10 000 NOR: Pre-Historic Era
Modern Era
Age of Stone
Age of the Star