Myrth's history can be divided into different eras and ages throughout, with Each Era representing a new stage of historic evolution and each age representing a time period within that era.
The first universal calendar that was adopted was developed by Kobold scribes and are anchored to the founding of Agamoria, the first Empire to become a global power, though their calendar was in use long before that year.
Before the modern calendar, timekeeping were mostly based around major events and depending on the Era, accounted for different spans of time and as such were given unique identifiers by the Kobold scribes.
Neliavthic Cycles, (AER): Scholars or the Mythic Ancients account for time based on different ages of the pre-historic Neliavth account. These cycles are said to roughly measure between 300 and 700 actual years each.
Pre-Era Reckoning, (PER): A varied and obscure form of calendar was developed in the mythic ages, though not widely adopted and where used the accounts and rules for it differed extensively. Each Pre-Era count (PER), measures between 1 and 2.5 actual years and came to replace the previous cyclical system as a varied standard in ancient times.
Neliavthic Conflict Accounting, (DW): Historic accounts reveal cataclysmic wars taking place during the end of the mythic Eras, and as such accurate record keeping become less prominent. Though Pre-Era reckoning was still in use, it is hard to precisely calculate the passage of years during this age. Therefore, the Kobold scribes instead refer to the most well known and historically accepted conflicts to account for the passage of time.
Nomadic Reckoning, (NOR): Throughout the early histories of the now established races of Myrth, the Kobold Standard Calendar became more and more widely used across the realms. Because of the systematic adoption, the counting of years became an inverse count at the adoption of Imperial Time at 0 IM.
Imperial Year Reckoning, (IM): Imperial Time begins the year when Agamoria was founded and counts each year to follow. Using the same standard count, before 0 IM is referenced as inverse counts using the Nomadic Reckoning association.
Obscure accounts reference him arriving on a large wagon of sorts, filled with vials, pipes and strange clockwork equipment.
It is said that before the world could be made, the fabric of reality needed to bend to make space for it. Aevum spent this time preparing the cosmos for his eventual creation.
Not much is known about them and they are not often referenced. They might be beings of the same "race" or origin as Aevum, or they may be his own creations.
As referenced in the manuscripts forming the "Book of Arath Aev"
At the centre of Aklatorian reality is The World Tree, or The First of all the World Trees.
As referenced in the manuscripts forming the "Book of Arath Aev" along with other sources that indicate better timelines.
As referenced in the manuscripts forming the "Book of Arath Aev".
Two major Neolithic races are accounted for within this age. One being the Ameth, a humanoid precursor to what would become the Neliavth. The second being the Draco, the ancient, "True" Dragons and progenitors of the more modern Dragons alive today.
For possibly hundreds of years small nomadic tribes spread across Aklatoria. Almost no ruins exist of this era, but their remnants are found across all realms.
Aurora the Sky Titan made if prismatic lightning, Helios the Star Titan that blinds all eyes, and Saturn the devourer, the Mountain Titan.
Daidara the Phantom Titan that cannot be bound, Fenrir the Great Wolf Titan, and Drauger the Unliving Titan of Bone and Ash.
It is referenced that toward the end of this era, Shael and Rann cultivated and grew all the World Trees throughout the realms and trans-dimensional plains.
The first Arath society with centralized culture was formed and are named the Neliavth. They were formed of two cultures namely the Vestath and the Ameth.
The Vestath became the forbearers of Neliavth culture, turning to Shael as their patron spirit, and the Ameth turn to Rann.
Shael taught the Vestath how to channel the Sun's energy into a magic without bounds. Not being limited by the potency of Divine Source present in the blood. In turn Rann taught the Ameth how to tap all the Divine Source from the blood of any creature through ceremonial sacrifice, planting the seeds of true Blood Magic.
The Draco, being of very potent Divine Source as direct offspring of Mekla, became the target for the Ameth Blood Mages, as their humanoid sacrifices could not sustain their desires.
The first attack of the Draco was coordinated and savage, destroying the most prominent Ameth cities outright
The Ameth Blood Mages turned to the Vestath for aid against the Draco, but none was given as the Vestath abhorred Blood Magic. The Ameth in turn invaded the peaceful Vestath cities and took blood sacrifices from their kin in order to fight the Draco
The Vestath retaliated against the Ameth pulling so much magic from the Sun that it dimmed for days. The unpredictable nature of it destroyed all in its path, Ameth, Vestath and Draco alike
The strategy was to venture into the deep ocean in order to slay Mekla the Mother of Dragons so that the Draco would be weakened. The Vestath tried to intervene and were caught in the crossfire
In order to scatter their foes, the Vestath planned to empower the Red Moon of Chaos to cause confusion amongst the warring factions. Once again they overextended their magic and what followed was an unstoppable cataclysmic curse. The light of the Sun and Aegis diminished so that the sky was crimson during all hours for months. Reality fractured as the presence of Nox made contact with the earth, rupturing the veil between worlds to form Tartarus, the realm beneath the material world. All creatures were overcome with rage and the slaughter continued to destroy the earth
The destruction didn't end when the Red Moon's light faded. The titans awoke from their slumber to roam and kill. The tear in the veil opened gateways for demons and outsiders of all kind to manifest on earth. All was destroyed by the hubris and ignorance of the Neliavth
Draco scales were known to change with mood like a chameleon can change its skin. As they died of wound and sorrow, the colour of their last emotion would remain. With decay and time, from the Draco corpses there remained their hearts, solid stones containing its final memories and the colour of its dying thoughts. These would become the first dragon eggs to hatch the next generation of Dragon-kind and they would become what historians would later call the "modern" Dragon
What remained of the Neliavth was few and far between. The survivors renamed themselves in their own tradition, as the Ethdarin. Soon they would vanish from history, but it is written that their will was to correct what they had done wrong.
Burdened by shame and hatred, the last of the Draco retreated from the world. Some accounts say that they fled through the ruptured Tartarus to the outer plains, while other claim they returned to the sea to die in their mother's arms
The first recorded sightings of the new species of Dragon. They are unlike their progenitors in that they have vastly different personalities and ability
The first references of divine beings other than Aevum Shael and Rann can be found from this era in texts from different races as they evolve to have a formalized mythology and develop culturally
Dated around 10 200 NOR is the newest Neliavth created artifact ever found. After this there are no traces of any humanoid civilization for centuries.
The Runestone gave those in its presence unearthly long life and vigor. The united Dwarves saw its power in sustaining their leaders and proclaimed them the first Imperial council over the Dwarven clans
Part of the landmass between what is now Meshatl and Kalibora sink into the sea. The cause of the shift remains unknown
Elven tribes first migrate across the Sea of Crystal Rain into what is now called Helharent
Humans travel to Southern Isles, near Casavano
They rampage to the west across what is now Ksher, destroying most of the tribes who dwelled there
The Kobolds gather documents and form a shared network of scriptures and scrolls, rewritten and restored for record
Elves of Kethraelm officially adopt Vonryl Kethalon as their patron
Elven tribe leaders found Tel'Shinon and name it the capital of Elven culture.
Agamor climbs the mountain of the Old gods in order to appeal for his people, discovering their absence and source of power in the Runestone. This sacrilege triggers the war against the Bellan
As the Dwarves suffer endless losses against the Bellan spirits, they seek refuge in the caverns underground, carving out homes from the raw rock and fortifying them deep within the earth
648 years after it was discovered, the runestone was translated and the Dwarves began to experiment with its magics
Initiating the belief and worship in Vonryl Kethalon. The faith would be slow to spread throughout Kethraelm where belief in the Ancients still holds strong
The continued war efforts have the Dwarves come together to form a last stand. The site at Üepithfjel is chosen where the Erigrim and their armies begin carving out a fortress that would later be named as Agamoria
Nine years it took to fit the entire Dwarven army with rune infused arms and for them to ready themselves for the final stand
Names as such as it served as the turning point in the war where most of the Bellan spirits were slain or banished. Only short skirmishes followed
Agamoria founded and named officially 4 years after the last battle against the Bellan. A time of rebuilding for the Dwarven race.
The most prominent "leaders" of the Bellan forces were still unaccounted for and the Erigrim feared they would regroup
King Ylyndar becomes the first sovereign ruler of Tel'Shinon and the lands of Kethraelm
The first High Temple to Vonryl Kethalon begins construction in Ishe Aethel
Founding many of the major cities now present on Kalibora
The mines of Agamoria was first to breach into the deep gates of Tartarus and through to the Void. Others followed not soon after. Suddenly the Dwarven nation had a new fight on their hands as the demons of the Abyss crawled out from their dark tunnels beneath the city
As news of the new enemy came to them, the Dwarven paragons rushed back to aid their people. New formalized war efforts were under way
It ultimately leads the Erigrim to the path of true divinity, but not before the whole nation is thrown into turmoil
They transcend into the divine realms becoming true patrons of their race
Chosen for his renowned prowess and wisdom in during the wars. He would turn the tide against the darkness of the Reilagg as a militant leader
Progress is being made to seal off the Reilagg, but ultimately the gateways are permanent. But in 143 king Ralmus officially declared the capital safe from invasion from the Reilagg, deu to the success of his Shieldguard special division army
King Ralmus died age 376, King Eral was elected for his talents as an administrator. It was believed that all threats against the Empire had been defeated and that he would lead in anew age of prosperity
After a number of years of economic expansion, King Eral signed in a treaty that all Dwarves may independently establish trade economies within their holds and encouraged the the exploration of the lands outside the Kalinforin basin
The Anvilsmith clan proclaims they found the original forge of Ärun on Dörithfjel and settle a hold there
The first clans make it across the Plains of Slumber and back, settling holds on the mountains beyond
King Eral creates the Wavebreaker division of the military, and send expeditions across the Sea of Demons
Small settlements found on Méshatl and Ni'arnfell and expeditions sent into Saesamen between 210 and 245 IM
War breaks out with the tribes of Casavano as the Dwarves attempt to settle there. Trade from the Isles stop. The war would last till 245 IM
Colonized realms begin to resist the Dwarven expansion. Skirmishes break out in Ni'arnfell but soon most of the Dwarven regiments are moved North toward Méshatl and Agaea. Battles happen sporadically until at least 257 IM
Peace negotiated with the tribes of the Ni'arnfell as the Dver armies look at the lands beyond
King Eral died age 313, King Lòr was elected for his tactical experience as a naval captain. His clan also had access to the largest veins of adamantium in Kalibora that was to be used in the expansion efforts and trade
The Larges march is halted in their tracks by a few bands of Elven warriors. All eyes look to King Lòr for answers. Battles continue until the end of the age
King Lòr is slain in battle against the Elven armies at the Seas of Shadow
King Lòr died in battle age 289, King Athel is elected for his actionable plans against their Elven enemies and his skills as a rune scribe
As the Elven threat remains in the North, the tribes of Menassim drive out all hostile Dwarf forces from the Forest Kingdom. The Dwarves move back to the Ni'arnfell as the Valley of the Witches is wet and unpleasant
Led by King Athel, the Dwarves win a decisive battle against the Elven armies at lake Cesmeir in Agaea. They gain a foothold on the realm and drive the Elves back to the Northern coast and toward the Peaks of Martivir
The Elves return to Cesmeir with Dragons to drive the Dwarves out of the area. The battle that followed destroyed the City by the lake, but the Dwarves were able to hold the zone
Dwarves break through the fortifications of the City if Dragons only to find that it was held by a handful of Elven warriors along with other natives, including humans and Dragonborn
Their aim was to gain another foothold for quick passage into Kethraelm. The initial move was successful, but the Elves kept them to the foot of the mountains. The stategy would occupy the bulk of the Dwarven forces till 355 IM.
Year 399 marks the destruction of the World Tree at Bonaduic, and flags the turning point to the collapse of the Dwarven Imperium
Immediately after the battles at Bonaduic (circa 399 IM), the Elves were able to capture many of the most prominent and strategic locations on the central continent. Their dominance in the major cities made them de facto rulers of these lands. Many found their rule strict and oppressive, but freedom is secondary in times of war
With the Dwarf Imperium defeated, the time of the Elves has come. United by a common foe, the tribal Children of Nethel become the most influential people on Myrth. The Dwarves systematically retreat as skirmishes against the Elves continue. Only a few strongholds remain in Méshatl and the Ni'arnfell.
Named after the old Elven god of death, a short era after the Dwarves were vanquished had the Elves rule by the merits of their military dominance. It would take about 3 years before the occupied locals to become restless with their rule. It is a time of steadily rising tension
The land around where the Tree of Bonaduic stood lies in ruin, as plants begin to wither and animals die without cause. A vigil is raised at the sight to study the growing decay
The Shekaravae is proclaimed from the city of Atenaa, calling on the Elven people to relinquish their hold on the lands. The group is led by Shalana Naemaer, high priestess of Dovak Vaeath(Martivir)
Signs of drought show all across Agaea as the withering spreads from where the Tree of Bonaduic once stood. The once lush valleys turn to dirt and sand and the peoples who called it home once are being driven out by the changing landscape.
Queen Alvaerelle becomes the second sovereign ruler of Tel'Shinon and the lands of Kethraelm
Elven priesthoods read different omens across the lands and it is decided that all should cooperate in an effort to deduce what the strange cosmic signs mean
The Ithelta notice the movement of the comet amongst the heavenly bodies, though it is only to be named as such circa 499 IM
The eldest of the Great Towers of Ksher starts being built headed by architect and sage, Arthion Elgeiros
ed by Flinar Aexina, a large group of Elven tribes distance themselves from the rule of Queen Alvaerelle. They side with the human druids to become protectors of the natural cosmic balances, settling in the Ironbark Forest
All the land of Agaea has now turned to dust and only a few settlements persevere. Digging into the rocks, the Al Kashzanna finds the source of the Dragon Springs at the heart of Atenaa, feeding the streams that were to become the Golden River and creating the oasis within the city as a refuge to the withering
Deep within the inner sanctums of Atenaa, the Lair of the Dragon Myddrudirth is found. His waking shakes the modern world as he rampages across the land, only to vanish into the west
Gorgamen sees no summer. Northern Ksher is shrouded in storms of thunder and hail. Méshatl sees snow for the first time since recorded history