
God of Phantasm, Madness and Nightmares


TypeMajor Deity
AlignmentNeutral Evil
PortfolioPhantasm, Madness, Nightmares
SymbolA Black Cloud sigil with a deep, purple border
Associated RealmsCrevatorius
FollowersEvil Diviners, Shaman, Plane travellers, those suffering from madness

Other Names

Shoggoth as named by the Kashites (Orcs)
Tungletím Undvergvardör as named by the Dwarves who know the darkness of the Deep, translated as the Ancient Night
The One Who Sleeps for he rests in his House of the Void until it is time to awaken
The Black Cloud for he embodies his manifestation, bringing madness and nightmares to all it touches

Nod is the back cloud of madness. He is rarely seen in the realms, but when he does manifest, his black cloud laced with dark, sometimes purple sparks of lightning can be seen drifting from afar. Everywhere the cloud touches, minds are consumed and driven mad by the visions the cloud brings.

Associated Religious Organizations

  1. Cult of the Black Cloud
  2. Cult of the Purple Cloud

Common Worship

Nod does not enjoy much common worship. In fact knowledge of his sects and influences isn't a polite topic for conversation, and even then is only spoken of in whispers.

Those who know, know to fear his powers, as dabbling the writings of his followers often ends in madness. His name is spoken as a curse when faced with unknown horrors by those who know it, though doing so holds no meaning to any of his devout.

Myths & Dogma