
God of Fire and Destructive Force


TypeMajor Deity
AlignmentChaotic Neutral
PortfolioFire, Destructive Force, Explosions
SymbolA depiction of a whipping flame, encircled in gold
Associated RealmsEskall (The Anvil)
FollowersElementalists, Fire mages, Smiths, Generals, Arsonists

Ura often takes on the form of a Fire Giant, although this is not his true form. It is said that his body is perpetually engulfed in flame, so much so that it is impossible to decern any of his features. The living flame form is small in stature, almost ape like, and tendrils of white fire flows from him as appendages. Some claim to have seen him in the deepest places of the earth, where he bathes in the lava pools of the deep underground.

Associated Religious Organizations

  1. The Elemental Courts

Common Worship

The fire god is worshipped by all who understand the power of flame, what it means for survival, but also that it cannot be tamed by any save the Deep One himself. What mortals can accomplish through magic or construct is a mere reflection of the power he possesses.

Wherever fire rages and people are in danger, calls will be made to Ura to slow his flames. He is a god of destruction, but does not set out to claim the souls fo the living like other gods. Also, amongst his followers are those who call on the flame to punish their oppressors and rivals, but usually not to claim life, rather to destroy surroundings and create setbacks.

Myths & Dogma