Naásh Feramil

Goddess of Family, Hearth and Culture

Naásh Feramil

TypeMajor Deity
AlignmentLawful Good
PortfolioFamily, Hearth, Culture
SymbolA five pointed star inside a circle (pentagram)
FollowersFamilies, Small communities, those who value the merits of family

Naásh Feramil has many faces. Most often she will appear as a dusty-coloured cat, casually lounging in a yard. Other times she will take the form of a slender maiden dressed in a cloth apron as if busy with house work, only her golden, catlike eyes hinting at her divine nature. Then again at other times she will take the form of an old lady who goes around sharing food, often with the less fortunate.

Common Worship




Religious Orders

Offshoot orders & cults


Game Rules

Pathfinder 2

DomainsSpellsSkillDivine FontFavoured Weapon
Cities, Family, Healing, Protection1: Soothe
3: Threefold aspect
4: Fire shield
SocietyHealClub (Ladle)