The Frozen Outcast

The goddess of Eternal Winter was once regarded not as an entity of wrath and crude justice, but of one protection and community. During the early times, before the modern ages recorded in myth, Vonryl Kethalon was cast out into the isolation of Tundrum Arctis, the elemental plane of Ice.

Before the mythic ages even began, Vonryl Kethalon took to care for the lesser creatures of Myrth. She was one of the first deities to adopt the early races to her association. She manifested into their lives, blessing them with gifts of abundance and a sense of shared community.

But as the eons passed, war after war erupting to slaughter her beloved children. From as early as the Age of Seeding and through the Time of Turmoil, Vonryl Kethalon grew resentful toward all life on Myrth. Ignorance and disregard finally broke her when the God Wars broke her fully. She lashed out in rage and in the rising chaos she suddenly became very powerful in her divine essence.

The other gods decided to cast her out into Tundrum Arctis so that the cold could extinguish her rage and diminish her fury. It did little to dim her passion though. She suppressed her fury to the back of her mind and broke of all ties with the realm of the divine. She embraced the ice and cold and let it feed her resentment.

Over the eons her essence seeped through the vail between the plains, manifesting in the coldest places of Myrth. When she finally suppressed her apathy, she saw mortal creatures within the tundras of the world, sparking pity in her - a feeling she though she had long ago forgotten. What she saw were the early Elvin kindred - also banished to the icy planes of the world, chased by war and hated for their fiery passions.

It was in the early years of the Age of Stars when she returned to fulfil her divine duties, but this time not as the embodiment of community and prosperity. Her sense of community was replaced by that of survival above all odds. Her sense of prosperity was replaced with blind ambition. And still her wrath remained, as her body imbued with the elemental plain of ice, became a vessel for the icy destruction it can bring.