
The god of justice.


TypeMajor Deity
AlignmentLawful Neutral
SymbolSilver (Aegis) disc with golden scales
Associated RealmsAegis
FollowersJudges, Paladins, Magistrates

Martivir manifest as he was before ascending to divinity, as an ancient, great Dragon. With scales of golden fire, The Dragon is wise beyond knowing, and carries the scales of justice around his neck.

Associated Religious Organizations

  1. The Circle of Justice

Common Worship

Myths & Dogma

Ascended to divinity to claim the role of Judge of the Life Lived, Martivir was old even before most of the gods were born. As a servant of Aegis, he controls the Silver Flame of Law. The pinnacle of righteousness and paragon of justice resides outside the realm of mortals.

Zealous followers of The Dragon of Law, says one day he will come from the far skies to destroy Nox and eliminate chaos once and for all, brining tranquil peace to the hearts of all mortals, and taking away all emotion.