In the beginning there was only darkness, and someone decided it would be a good idea to create the universe. For the most part it turned out fine, but at some stage during the early days it was decided that the whole ordeal wasn't such a good thing after all.
But then, from an endless flask sent from the divine realms, came the one true essence of life in the cosmos. Fermented from the eternal vine, as prophesied in the Secret Scrolls, came the Whine fo Life, flowing from the divine and into the pools of the earth.
This was the origin, the genesis, the culmination of all that is absolute in the universe. Duswyn the Inebriated stepped forth from this primordial drink to share the gift of the vine with the denizens of th earth. And so it came to be that Duswyn became the immortal, holy quencher of thirst.