
Goddess of Murder, Assassination and Shadows.


TypeMajor Deity
AlignmentChaotic Evil
PortfolioMurder, Assassination, Shadows.
SymbolThe Third Eye, weeping blood
Associated RealmsNox
FollowersAssassins, Murderers, Worshippers of death

Firna is shadow itself, never seen, not even when death embraces. Her essence may imbue and manifest in some rare cases with the Third Eye, etched in blood on the heads of the dead, and even more rare, on the heads of her chosen agent.

Associated Religious Organizations

  1. Order of the Third Eye
  2. Chantry of the Sisters

Common Worship

There are a number of cultures who value the art of secret killing. In such places, Firna can be worshipped in open sight, her temples a place to ask for blessings whenever sinister actions are planned.

In other places, where the act of murder goes against the morality of the people, Firna's temples can still be seen, though in much less grandeur. Here people can come to pay tribute to the goddess in order to gain her favour and protection against her divine agents.

Myths & Dogma