Shortly after the formation of Nox, the cosmos was still a very chaotic place. With her power growing, her size gre with it, and soon her mass would eclipse the very essences of orger and destroy creation.
Whether spawned from the chaos or by the hand of the Creator, fortune would have it that a comet would be sent hurtling toward Nox. From the cosmic chaos was pulled forth the heavenly ball of flame. From deep within the depths of space, it came crashing down on the surface of the Chaos World.
Fire, dust and brimstone was flayed from her. Half her surface evaporated in the atomic blast. And her might was reduced enough, so that the wolrd would not perish from her chaotic birth.
The fallout coalesced around her body, and as the dust started to clear into the vastness of space, the shattered remains of her body was formed onto a great egg. Infused with the fires of destruction within, the egg circled its mother for a thousand years before it broke free of her pull, and came hurtling toward the realms of Myrth.
Crashing down in the depths of the Seas of Shadow, there the egg incubated in the dark ocean until from it was hatched a creature unlike anything else. Her bulbous mass erupted with magma and sulfur as she rose to the surface of the waters. And the mortals who witnessed named her Seth, in their ntive tongue, "a demon that destroys".
Seth stepped from the water and descended on to the lands, a vision of chaos and destruction, her form wrapped in a veil of flaming torrents. Those who laid eyes on the spectacle was filled with hate in their hearts and rushed forth into their settlements in a mindless rage.
Her coming triggered a thousand years of turmoil on the lands, as the minds of men were consumed by her influence. It took the combined effort of many divine entities and their followers, to pull her back into the outer planes. Timing and skill brought Seth to the edge of Rot M'karrin, what is now called The Shadowlands. There she stood on a pinnacle rock, where the energies of the earth emanates all the way into the Far Realms. Aegis moved before the light of Nox, eclipsing her power for but a moment. But a moment was just enought to imbue the combined forces of gods of Order with enouhg power to remove Seth from the lands of men, and bring her back to the divine realms.
From that day forwar, the The Shadowlands were forever scarred, as the birthplace of the goddess of chaos.