The Son of the Serpent

Throden was there at the dawn of creation, a fledgling White, his heart filled with primal instincts and a drive to destroy. He was one of the first sons of the Great Titan, Mekla the Serpent.

He was a vanguard of the first wars of the mythical ages, and saw the world as it changed through the eons. As one of the strongest of the Dragon-kin, he was a force to be feared by all, and the legend of the Immortal Dragon stood as the inspiration for all his kind. War waged. Gods and their armies of men against the Elder entities, Ancient Spirits and Dragons alike. WHoever would survive would become the ones to establish the histories of Myrth.

In these times, Dragon-kind was scattered and acted on individual whims. Some of the Greatest Wyrms of Gold and Red saw through their differences and proclaimed that all Dragons should be united to fight against the oppressing entities of the cosmos. They chose to use their ancient knowledge and magic, inherited from the Mother of Serpents, She who set the Skies on fire, She who stirs the Primordial Oceans, to imbue their champion in order to forever preserve their legacy and purpose in the halls of the divine.

From the council gathered, The Great White was chosen to be this vessel. They pooled their power into The One, combining their very souls into the blood of the Primordial Father to be. Their essences consumed, The White Wyrm burst forth in a flight to the heavens. The magic tore at his scales and poured from his mouth and eyes as he ascended. He was reborn as Throden, the Lord of All Dragons.