
God of Dirt and Tombstones


TypeMajor Deity
PortfolioTombstones, Death, Decay
SymbolA Skeletal Hand holding an Apple
FollowersUndertakers, Naturalists, Earth-Elementalists, those who tend to the dead

Ornim primarily manifests through possession of the recently deceaced, those who's graves have not yet been erected and can be identified through the corpse carrying his sacred apple. What he truly looks like in physical form is unknown, even in the divine realms as Ornim keeps himself hidden behind cloaks and barriers.

Associated Religious Organizations

  1. The Elemental Courts

Common Worship

Anyone who has suffered the recent loss of a loved one will call the name of Ornim alongside that of Martivir to not only judge them with favour, but also to ensure their safe passage to the afterlife. Ornim dedicates his agents to ensure the latter, most supreme of which is his Angel of Death, Azra.

Myths & Dogma