
God of the Fallen, Suffering and Loss


TypeMajor Deity
AlignmentLawful Evil
PortfolioSuffering, Loss, the Fallen, the Paying of Debts
SymbolTwo bloodied angel wings pointing downwards, encircled in brass
Associated RealmsAegis
FollowersFallen Knights, Black Paladins, those who have endured great suffering or those who question the ideals of morality over law

Other Names

The Dark Lord as the one who brings suffering
The Black Knight as the First of the Fallen

Assador does not manifest in person. He is said to have the visage of a handsome humanoid knight wearing black armour and having crimson bat-like wings. Instead his will is made known in person through his subjects by means of possession or through the summoning of Incubi agents.

Common Worship

The followers of Assador are often looked on in disdain, as doomsayers and martyrs. But even though the clergy may be disliked in general, the Dark Lord is often still regarded as a powerful entity and vessel for the suffering.

Wherever loss is experienced, Assador is called on to acknowledge the sufferer's sacrifice. Whether to exert some form of accreditation or acknowledgement in return for future luck or avoidance of suffering, Assador receives many prayers from those in mourning.




Religious Orders

Church of Night

Offshoot orders & cults


Game Rules

Pathfinder 2

DomainsSpellsSkillDivine FontFavoured Weapon
Duty, Pain, Sorrow, Zeal1: Ill omen
3: Agonizing Despair
5: Subconscious suggestion
SocietyHarmBastard sword