The origin of the Morning Lord lies far before the ages of myth, an infant god spawned from the interactions of the primordial cosmic beings. Coined from an excerpt of the Book of Arath Aev, the "great orb of fire that was cut from the serpent came about to light the heavens."" As it's rays stretched across the realms, with it came the potential for all life, including that of all mortals.
It is said that the first flower to sprout under the rays of the sun was an aster. And from that flower's seed was born te god of the sun, as it blossomed for the first time. But this infant essence was far from the divine entity it is now. It took eons to mature into what the Morning Lord is personified as today.
By the time mortals became enlightened enough to percieve the divine owers of the cosmos, Lord Aster had fully manifestated. His gigantic form could sometimes be seen far off above the mountains or beyond the horizon, where he used his spear to move the sun across the sky. His movements bringing forth the patterns of seasons, and his light giving the world its life.