
Goddess of Valor, Nobility, Poetic Justice and Retribution.


TypeMajor Deity
AlignmentLawful Good
PortfolioValor, Nobility, Poetic Justice, Retribution
SymbolA kite shield sigil with the emblazoned image of an upturned sword
Associated RealmsOrdania
FollowersPaladins, Warriors, Knights, and all those who believe that good comes to those who deserve it

Heron manifests as a great, white unicorn with a sparkling, mithril horn. Rarely, The Mare will also be a rider in glittering plate, holding an unsheathed sword aloft. From her mantel flows a white banner with a circle of runes, giving strength to her allies.

Associated Religious Organizations

  1. The Unyielding
  2. The Ordos Valorium
  3. The Circle of Justice

Common Worship

Those unaffiliated with any of the major organizations associated with Heron look to her for guidance whenever they are being oppressed of feel fearful of their current surroundings or situations. She stands as paragon of honour and pinnacle of valor for all, regardless of their affiliation.

Being of a good alignment, her worship is encouraged by most of the humanoid societies across Myrth, as even in retribution, Heron and her followers abide by goodly virtues such as fairness and honour. Wherever a situation calls for the application of these virtues, Heron is often called upon to deliver divine guidance.

In most cases, Heron is regarded whenever retribution or fair, poetic, vengeance needs to be called forth. Her name is often spoken in curses against oppressors and tyrants, bandits and thieves alike.

Myths & Dogma