The Golden Seeds

Erthan is one of the oldest of the gods. Before mortals were able to tame the wilderness of the early earth, they relied on the divines to care for them. Erthan was one such divine, the Ancient Shepard of Men. He worked the forests and the plains for berries and fruits to grow in all shapes and forms to feed the hungry mouths of the infant races.

The Father of the Fields wanted to make his followers self sufficient and teach them to work the lands themselves. But the earth was a dangerous place in those early eons, and mortals had little care even for each other.

He set forth to the divine realms and urged Naásh Feramil to soften the hearts of the early mortals, enough that they would have the sense to care for each other. With that would come the drive to work the land in order to feed their families

He went to Leonne, the mother of Beasts, and asked her to grant the mortals the power of herding the timid and peaceful creatures. Then they would be able to settle in communities and larger family groups.

With a new found unity, Erthan turned himself into the image of a man and descended to the mortal realm. With him he took the Golden Seeds of Ambrosia, which he planted in the fertile soil of the earth. The divine source in the seeds sprouted many different crops. Wheats and corns, berries and fruits, vegetables under the earth and above the soil. All these came from Erthan's seeds.

And so it was that the Shepard of Men became known. The one who taught the early mortals how to thrive through community and hard work.