Dver (Dwarves)

Dwarves like to say that they were born from the Seed of the Mountain. They are naturally inclined toward the wonders of the natural world. Born from the depths, shaped by war and tempered by ancient betrayal, the they are a race of warrior philosophers. Strong of will and body, defiant in defeat, but easily pleased and honest to a fault.

Excerpt from "The Intelligent Peoples", by Jarlaine Farwind - Adventurer, Anthropologist and Historian.


Other Names

Dwarves, Kazunith Mükdverdür, Orel.




Kazundvertäl (Dwarven)


Mountain Dwarves, Snow Dwarves


Strong and hardy is the appearance of a Dwarf. They possess a natural endurance unlike any other race. They are often referred to as short, though they may grow as tall as humans in many cases. Tall Dwarves tend to have a hunched posture but with their broad chests and naturally bulbous posteriors, they may even stand out as giants.

They take great pride in their appearance. Males tend to wear long, elaborate beards, whereas females tend to focus their attention of braiding their hair into countless styles. In all cases dying is common practice with jewels and baubles also making a frequent appearance. Their skin tends to be paler, after centuries of living underground, though it can range across any hue. Scars and tattoos are symbols of achievement, with the most experienced often being very intricately "decorated".


The First Settlers

The first of the "modern" empires were that of the Dwarves. During the Age of Stone they expanded across the seas, to all the corners of Myrth. The stories tell of them as liberators from the old ways, the bringers of enlightenment, casting of the ignorance of unknowing. They brought with them the knowledge of the Rune Stone, the first of the ancient artifacts that brought Magic to the mortal races. The wars they fought and the colonies they founded made them prominent across all the realms, and integrated into most societies.

Some settlements are completely diverse, yet the Dwarven way of life and their preference for living underground has many Dwarven Holds have a strictly Dwarven population. They are generally open to trade with any and all outsiders, however, and tend to be fair and honorable in their dealings.


For King and Fatherland

The long-lived Dwarves have a society built on the stories and the deeds of the past. History and legacy play an important part in their civilization. As such, all Dwarves are kin of The Homeland (Kalibora), where their High King resides in Agamoria. No matter where they reside, all are taught that their origin lies there, under the mighty Üepithfjel Mountains.

Though their actual allegiances my vary, attributing rule to whoever holds the lands they dwell in, whether it be a Dwarf or not, culturally and spiritually, they are all part of the Dwarven Empire, as One who sits under the Seat of the Mountain.

Children of Adversity

Myth and the telling of the stories of the ancients play a very important role to the Dwarven society. They see themselves as the Children of Ärun, a race cursed by the ancients, yet able to not only survive, but overthrow all adversity. Determination brings honor and one is measured by the greatness of the legacy he can leave behind, no matter the odds that are stacked against him.

They teach their young of the ways they ancestors cast off the shackles of oppression by defeating the Old Gods. A victory so great they were ascend to divinity as the Erigrim. It makes them hard and proud as a whole. Though often seen as stubbornness. When it comes to clan and family legacy, all Dwarves are immovable, and they always come to the aid of their kin.


Philosophy and Enlightenment

From their history, Dwarves retain an understanding of what it means to be oppressed. Not only physically, but also spiritually. They are an enlightened folk, and tend to challenge things they do not believe in openly. It also makes them, strangely, one of the most approachable races of Myrth. They will rarely initiate a war, which seems at odds with their otherwise flighty demeanor. A good fight is a good way to blow off steam, they would say. But to start a war is best left to the wisdom of the Elders.