
The god of Song, Wine and Revelry


TypeMajor Deity
AlignmentChaotic Good
PortfolioSong, Wine, Revelry, Light hearts, History, Storytelling
SymbolAn elegantly, swirling vine, sprouting roses
FollowersRevelers, The Love-stricken, Poets and all those who enjoy the thrill of the feast

Manifestations of Duswyn are rare and often unproven, as his followers are usually inebriated during their enigmatic experiences. Accounts have one common theme though, and that is that Duswyn is never seen in living form. Rather he manifests as a beautiful, athletic statue in onyx, with everlasting wine flowing from his eyes and mouth. When consumed, his wine possesses healing properties, but instantly causes severe drunkenness.

Common Worship

Duswyn is revelry and drink. Where people celebrate, there he is to lift their spirits to new heights. His name is chanted in anticipation for the night and the excitement it will bring.

Effigies to the Thirsty god can be found in taverns and bars all across the realms, as his image stands as a blessing of protection to those who will not have the capability or function to take care of themselves come the time of worship.




Religious Orders

Friars of the Tankard Spirit

Offshoot orders & cults


Game Rules

Pathfinder 2

DomainsSpellsSkillDivine FontFavoured Weapon
Healing, Indulgence, Passion, Water1: Charm
2: Touch of idiocy
4: Suggestion