Manos Claye

God of the Forge.

Manos Claye

TypeMajor Deity
AlignmentLawful Neutral
PortfolioThe Forge, Artifice, Artistic creation
SymbolA Smith's hammer with a circlet tied around the shaft, decorated with an eight pointed star
Associated RealmsEskall (The Anvil)
FollowersSmiths, Miners, Steel Workers and all who value the talent of creation

Other Names

Master of the Forge as he is the source of inspiration, and the guiding hand of the smith.

Manos is the burning coals in the smith's fire, and manifests as a face of smoke around two red glowing orbs. His voice is that of the anvil strike and the sizzling of hot steel. Sometimes he will take on the form of a Fire Giant.

Associated Religious Organizations

Common Worship

The Smith Lord is ever present in the forge, no matter its size nor the skill of the creator. He is the fire that smelts and the hammer that shapes. Even an inexperienced worker can be blessed with the talent to craft, and even those who have years of knowledge can yet to be blessed with a true masterpiece.

Those who work the metal, stone and gems often call to the Master of the Forge seeking inspiration and providence. And those who benefit from the creations often give thanks to Madis alongside the forger.

In a number of civilizations who revere the artistry and craft of forge working, will institutionalize the worship of Manos Claye within their guilds. Those guilds blessed through his worship are blessed with the most sought after masterpieces.

Myths & Dogma