Kashite (Ork)

Even to the knowledgeable, the Children of Kash are enigmatic and often misunderstood. Their otherworldly mannerisms come over as brutish, or arrogant, yet there are many nuances to their culture that tells a story of sophistication and deep, rooted heritage instead.

Excerpt from "The Intelligent Peoples", by Jarlaine Farwind - Adventurer, Anthropologist and Historian.


Other Names

Orks, Malkovians, Children of the Veil, Dökkfur


Arcane Outsider


Imperial Common


Keshi (Plains Ork),
Gara (Forest Ork),
Glut (Cave Ork)


Though Kashite appearance can vary significantly, they are as tall as Elves and taller than most Humans on average. Their arms are elongated and ripple with naturally formed muscle mass, protruding from broad shoulders and thick necks.

All Kashites have patches of fur on their backs and the backs of their arms and ears, which are long and pointed downward. Their facial features are pronounced and boney, with protruding jaws and exposed canines and their eyes are usually dark and seemingly pupilless.

Common skin varieties rance from dull gray and olive colours, to even brighter greens, reds and blues.


Children of Kash

During the early mythological ages of Myrth, the god of war Garkash used his Void Stone to open the veil between the material plane and Gaia, splitting them into a subrace of the Makovians who are still native to the Echo Realm.

His intent was war. Malkovians, as the Kashites, are stong and ferocious by nature. They are disciplined warriors who can embrace the chaos of battle, giving themselves over to bloodlust and revelling in wrath. Traits that the war god sought to seed the fields of war.

Though many still refer to the Kashites as Malkovian, there is a cosmological destiction, for when Garkash brought them over to the material plane, he severed their bods to Gaia as their native plane. As such, all Kashites can exist on the material plane without the aid of magic, and are considered native outsiders, both here and in Gaia.


Bound by the Old Way

Malkovian society on Gaia is complex, beurocratic and imperial. There is great honour in serving the whims of their leaders and getting to the top ny any means neccesary is considered a virtue.

This same sentiment resonates with Kashites, though on Myrth they are limited the lack of resources, both magical and physical. As such they respect their hierarchies, though tend to keep their ambitions limitid to ascending in their own tribes.

Historically, here were a number of Kashites who were able to rally the tribes under a single banner, embracing their old colonial inclings. Though their limited numbers and dependence on Gaia's primorial flux and magical resources as part of their tactics, so far has not lead them to extreme successes.

The Call of the Veil

All Malkovians and Kashites included, originate from the primordial fields of Gaia and as such are creatures defined by their base urges. This often reflects as brutality, the seeking of power, or being overcome by anger or lust. Kashites embrace this fact about their nature and sees an attempt to suppress your base instincts and wants as superfuous.


Outsiders by Blood

Since Kashites aren't considered historically natice to Myrth, they tend to live nomadic, often verdant, and secluded lives. Most commonly, they congregate towards the outskirts of society. Some tribes approach closer to established settlements, froming carvans for trade, but as soon as a tribe gets too large, they tend to attract unwanted (and often unwarranted) attentian of local law enforcement. They therefore tend to be elusive and only send trade parties in small numbers.

Lost Children of Gaia

Malkovians and Kashites see each other as family. Though Malkovians tend to think themselves better off than their bretheren, Kashites feel no urge to lement their removal from Gaia. In fact most Kashites think themselves better off than their Sylvan kin, since they enjoy much more freedom on Myrth. In rare cases where the two branches do come face to face, however, they remain one people.



Plains Orks, as they are sometimes referred to, are the most common variant of Kashite on Myrth. They retain some esoteric traditions and practices from the mystical Malkovians, but for the most part remain a free people.


Commonly called Forest Orks, this rare variant retain most of their Malkovian traditions and physical aspects. They remain closely allied with the Elven societies that embrace the natural world and verdant forests, who are typically the only ones who can effectivly track them or find their settlements inside the deep forests and jungles of the world.


The Cave Orks as they are known is the second most common variant of Kashite found on Myrth. They openly embrace the Chaos Rage they see as a gift from Garkash and believe him to be their true patron who freed them from their limiting existance in Gaia. They believe that conquering the lands of Myrth is their birthright.

Notes on Customs

  1. Fire beetles, natvie to Gaia, are "farmed" by Malkovians. They use their carapaces to produce a unstable, explosive substance that they use as a type of gun powder.
  2. Malkovian society is Imperial, and as such Kashites tend to favour a societal hierarchy above others. Some tribes even keep relics of their ancient past in the form of Imperial uniforms.
  3. Crude muskets with bayonets that originate from Malkovian forbears, are considered tribal artifacts. Though without access to Fire beetle carapaces, Kashite tribes use these weapons as spears instead and most of them are in any case too aged to be used in the conventional way.