Before the age of gods, many powerful spirits roamed the lands. These creatures dominated the mortal races into worshipping them and by their primal natures they were able to harness this worship to some extent. Nahua was among these entities in that time, a shape shifter and beast-speaker with the ability to talk to vermin. He used this ability to threaten the ancient mortals with plague and pestilence.
As the ages progressed Nahua became one with the creatures of his will. To some extent he cared for them and they for him. He grew tired of the company of the other spirits and pestering the mortals gave him no more pleasure. It was then when he turned toward the deep underground, looking for new sport to entertain him in his immortality.
The unknown deep was vast and silent in those times, and soon Nahua began to fear that he would forever be lost in the caverns below. As he was about to give up all hope, he found a chamber in the lost caverns. Inside it was a darkness seeping through the vail between planes. Tendrils of death reached out to him from the vortex and the Spirit recoiled. But his curiosity drove him back again, stepping closer to the dark embrace of the Void.
Nahua called on his vermin to flood the chamber and feed the tendrils of death. Day by day he moved closer to the vortex, continuously running scores of his pets into it. After many days he was close enough to feel the essence of whatever lied beyond flow over him. His mind filled with images and primal memories from the times before creation. It is unknown how long Nahua sat there, feeding the vortex and bathing in it's darkness. After a while he himself was unsure if his mind was still his own.
When he emerged from the deep the world had changed. The land and peoples reformed to something new. Gods were born and Nahua saw war and suffering everywhere his eyes fell. He did not know how long he was caught in the Deep, but when he looked upon the destruction, he was filled with a maddening pleasure. He could feel the world at his feet as if everything around him was connected to his will. He was made new in the Deep, bu the tendrils of the void. He was ascended.