
The Goddess of Thieves and Treachery


TypeMajor Deity
AlignmentChaotic Neutral
PortfolioThieves, Trickery, Secrecy, Subterfuge, Betrayal
Symbol'The Palled Oath': A smooth, white mask without features and two dark holes for eyes
Associated RealmsNox
FollowersThieves, Assassins, Spies, Merchants and all who trade in subterfuge and secret information

Other Names

The Palled Oath as she embodies her manifestation
The Golden Twin in her reference as the the sister of Firna
The Dark Princess so named from myth as the daughter of Nox
The Queen of Thieves as named by her church

Callad manifests as a slender Halfling, clad in black leather. A dull, white mask, "The Palled Oath", forms part of her skin, with solid golden orbs for eyes and long flowing, blonde hair curling around her face as if a hood

Common Worship

Prayers summoning The Palled Oath frequents the lips of those at the receiving end of treachery. Even though the goddess and her followers excel at subterfuge, the ultimate form of treachery is if she can turn around and bereave the ones who meek out treachery in the first place.

In less moral societies, the goddess is revered as a paragon of thieves, proclaiming her virtues of slyness, ruthlessness, and ambition. Those who dwell and deals in the shadowy underbellies often call her name to aid them in their exploits.

She is also often associated to, and revered by worshippers of her sister, Firna, goddess of Murder and Assassination.




Religious Orders

The Court of the White Mask

Offshoot orders & cults

Chantry of The Sisters


Game Rules

Pathfinder 2

DomainsSpellsSkillDivine FontFavoured Weapon
Darkness, Moon, Secrecy, Trickery1: Penumbral shroud
2: Invisibility
5: Umbral Journey
ThieveryHarm or HealLight Crossbow