
The goddess of Diplomacy, Royalty and Nobility


TypeMajor Deity
AlignmentLawful Good
PortfolioDiplomacy, Royalty, Nobility
SymbolAn Emerald mask under a golden crown.
Associated RealmsOrdania
FollowersKnights, Nobility, Diplomats and all who believe in the honour of keeping to a unified morality

Other Names

Onaför as named by the Dwarves, roughly translated as She of Greatness

Elmara's form is that of an elegant Lady of Court. Her gown shimmers with a thousand colours, her skin glowing, alabaster, smooth and decorated. Lace and feathers coupled with gems and pearls wrap her body, subtly twinkling in a graceful chime as she walks. Her eyes are covered in an emerald mask, emphasizing her striking, ice-blue eyes and her heir is tightly woven into an elegant braid, turned up to reveal her slender neck. When she speaks, her words flow like water over cobbles and all who hear are in awe of her beautiful wisdom.

Common Worship

The Lady is worshiped across the realms by all who walk the halls and courts of civilization. Her essence is the pinnacle of diplomatic grace, elegance and royalty. As such she is revered by kings and queens, and servants of the throne alike.

Her guidance is often called for when empires meet each other in negotiations, especially when there is tension between the parties.

Although featuring less amongst the worship of the commoners, she will most often be prayed to wherever a situation desires patience or temperance. There she will not be regarded for her elegant royalty, but rather for her intuitive ability to diffuse conflict.




Religious Orders

The Benign Assembly

Offshoot orders & cults

The Ordos Valorium The Circle of Justice


Game Rules

Pathfinder 2

DomainsSpellsSkillDivine FontFavoured Weapon
Cities, Duty, Truth, Zeal1: Phantasmal Minion
4: Suggestion
8: Unrelenting observation