
God of Farming, Life-cycles, Crops and Weather


TypeMajor Deity
AlignmentNeutral Good
PortfolioFarming, Life-cycles, Crops, Weather
SymbolA simple, almost geometrically styled grain of wheat in gold
FollowersFarmers, Traders and all who make a living off the soil, who are dependent on the Father of Rain to grant them his blessing

Other Names

Father of the Fields as he is the originator of farming.
Shepard of Men as he lead the early peoples of Myrth to settle into communities.

Erthan manifests as gentle rains, glistening sun and a subtle breeze of fresh air on a hot day. Sometimes, his persona takes on the form of a weathered old man, still strong from his working the fields. He is carrying a scythe and a gentle expression.

Common Worship

Erthan has a grand following across the realms. All mortals require food and thus requires crops, and the keeper of the seasons is Erthan the Gentle. He is prayed to for the rains and the harvest, the one who blesses the land and its peoples. The one who takes care of those who work the fields. The one who tames the locust.




Religious Orders

Herds of the Shepard

Offshoot orders & cults


Game Rules

Pathfinder 2

DomainsSpellsSkillDivine FontFavoured Weapon
Change, Nature, Sun, Toil1: Summon plant or fungus
2: Shape wood
4: Speak with plants
SurvivalHarm or HealScythe