Lord Aster

God of the Sun, Protection and Positive Energies.

Lord Aster

TypeMajor Deity
AlignmentLawful Good
PortfolioThe Sun, Protection, Positive Energies
SymbolA half disc emblem engraved with the rising sun
Associated RealmsOrdania
FollowersPaladins, Undead Slayers, Knights, Farmers, those who bring hope an light, those who depend on the sun

Other Names

The Morninglord as he embodies the rising sun in all it's glory.
The Lord of Dawn being synonymous with the Morning Lord.

Lord Aster's sigils are the sun and the aster flower. Wherever this flower grows is where the sun god's radiance has manifested. When manifesting as a persona, Lord Aster is seen as a giant titan with copper skin, clad in radiant armour of gold and silver, and carrying a spear, called Lightbringer, with which he can change the trajectory of the sun.

Associated Religious Organizations

  1. The House of Dawn
  2. The Circle of Vitalis
  3. The Circle of Justice

Common Worship

The Lord of Dawn is worshipped everywhere the sun rises. With his great spear he moves it across the skies to bring on the new day. His light shines bright in the dark corners of the world and he stands as a figure of hope against the onslaught of darkness.

Worshippers often call his name in aid against the undead, or for blessings against dark curses. Where the light of his day shines there is always hope against the odds, and those who come to revere him will be the light in the darkest places of the world.

His spirit is most prevalent on the open plains, and in the morning sun, where the aster flowers bloom aplenty.

Myths & Dogma