
God of Famine, Pestilence and Natural Disaster


TypeMajor Deity
AlignmentNeutral Evil
PortfolioFamine, Pestilence, Natural Disaster
SymbolA sigil of a dead rat
FollowersShaman, Cultists, Vampires, Death worshippers, Exterminators

Nahua's primary form is that of vermin. A slight manifestation might be seen in the form of a swarm of rats or locusts. The more his presence manifests the more the swarm takes shape, until he becomes a shifting, giant, bipedal creature animated through and endless swirls of vermin.

Associated Religious Organizations

  1. Order of the Grotto

Common Worship

There are many who believe that the only way to ensure good crop and prosperity, a tribute should be given to the god of famine and pestilence. They offer up a portion of their yield at the altar of Nahua to appease him and his vermin and have them stay away from their lands.

But more commonly, Nahua is regarded with fear and is to be avoided. Vermin is seen as his foothold on the land, his eyes and ears in the realms of mortals. The creatures are killed and eradicated in fear that the god of Disaster gain too much power and is able to summon forth a true plague.

Myths & Dogma