Rumara Caelan

Goddess of Adventure, Good Fortune, Humour and Dancing

Rumara Caelan

TypeMajor Deity
AlignmentChaotic Good
PortfolioAdventure, Good Fortune, Humour, Dancing
SymbolAn adorned pin shaped like a music note, and covered in tiny gems
FollowersAdventurers, Artists, Performers, all who have a sense for good fortune and the enjoyment of life

Rumara's form is that of a Pixie with wings of purple starlight and hair of bright flowing raspberry locks. Her gown is made of cobwebs and she carries a long flute made from a reed.

Associated Religious Organizations

Common Worship

Travellers camping ont he side of the road as they seek adventure, the bard playing a light-hearted tune of respite, the fire warm and welcoming. That is where Rumara Caelan resides and that is where she offers her blessings.

Great courts filled with ballroom gowns and orchestras. Courtiers dancing under the chandeliers and laughing in the starlight. That is where Rumara Caelan resides and where she offers her blessings.

A hearth fire crackling, bringing peace to the hearts of the family. Brother and sister sing together as they play and rest. That is where Rumara Caelan resides and where she offers her blessings.

Myths & Dogma